Structural Workshop provides a range of services related to our core businesses, which include:
Commercial Building Inspection Services
Structural Workshop provides complete commercial building inspections per ASTM E2018 and beyond. The E2018 standard is a basic, walk through observation of the type and condition of the components of the building. We provide everything from a single inspector E2018 inspection to a team of experts in every component of the building and everything in-between. Our first step is to discuss the client’s needs and possible services with the client and to tailor a scope and inspection team to their needs. The team we assemble could consist of a Licensed Civil and Structural Engineer, Licensed Architect, Licensed Residential and Commercial Property Inspectors, Licensed Radon Technician, Licensed Commercial/Industrial HVAC Technician, Licensed Commercial/Industrial Electrician, Licensed Rodent and Pest Inspector. The items we cover could include Site Work, Storm Water Drainage, Paving and Curbing, Parking, Irrigation, Lighting, Signage, Utilities, Foundation, Structural Frame, Exterior, Roof, Roofing, Windows, Plumbing, Heating, Cooling and Ventilation, Electric, Life Safety, Fire Protection, Interior. In addition, we can provide several levels of ADA survey and Document Search and Interview (Due Diligence) Services.
Call or email today to speak with someone about tailoring a package to suit your needs.
Forensic Investigation and Engineering Services
Structural Workshop can provide complete Forensic Engineering and Investigation Services. We have testing lab and construction resources to provide a team of Engineers, Certified Welding Inspectors, Testing Lab Services, Field Testing Services, and to arrange for Demolition/Construction and cleanup as required to perform invasive investigation. We are a one-stop shop for investigation of building or building component failure. We try to take all forensic investigations in steps, only spending our clients money as needed. Our services generally start with a walk through visual observation and can then proceed to detailed testing and investigation, design of remediation, and litigation support. Whichever way you or your project leads us, we can go there.
Project and Facility Management and Consulting
Structural Workshop provides selected Project and Facility Management and Consulting Services to either compliment projects or as a standalone project. We can provide Project Management Services, Construction Administration, Cost Estimating, Bid Packages, Bid Review, and Contractor Selection, Maintenance Planning and Budgeting, Maintenance Manual Development, Feasibility Studies, and Design-Build Services.
Joint Venture Services
Structural Workshop partners with several trusted firms to be able to provide our clients additional services. In addition to Structural Engineering Services and all the other services highlighted on this site, we can provide Architecture Services when Architecture is ancillary to the project or we can refer you to an Architect to be the prime professional if necessary. We can provide MEP Engineering services, allowing us to provide both Structural and MEP Engineering for RTU replacements and similar projects. We can provide Civil and Site Engineering for retaining wall and geostructural projects. Couple this with our Project Management and Construction Administration Services and we will be the only call you need to make.
Condominium Association Consulting
Structural Workshop provides services to Condominium Associations such as Investigation and Design of Repairs for issues with buildings, parking garages, building envelopes, etc. We can approach these items from an investigation and repair perspective or from a litigation support perspective. We also provide Transition Studies and Reserve Studies to Condominium Associations.
Telecom Site Consulting and Design
Structural Workshop provides Telecommunication site Design services for cellular sites, antennas, towers, monopoles, microwaves and more.